In the current healthcare, we have two jobs now: Our previous jobs and our managing COVID jobs.

Sterling Ray III, MD Chief Medical Officer, HCA Houston Healthcare Kingwood

Top 3 challenges as a CMO:

  1. Staying abreast of the change in landscape of the pandemic, change in the science of understanding the infection, its presentation, testing, manifestation and management.
  2. Managing supplies and keeping people safe and compliant with guidelines and manage deviations.
  3. Managing fears and anxiety at multiple levels of the hospital and being able to speak to multiple different comfort levels

Other observations:

  • Higher acuity of patients is seen but fewer in total numbers
  • There is a new norm developing on a personal and professional level
  • Being laser focused on COVID has made a unifying theme for people to rally around
  • There maybe more burnout from the topic of COVID, not the practice of healthcare
  • Focus is how to move forward
  • In the healthcare, we have two jobs: Our previous jobs and our COVID jobs
  • COVID may create new aspects/manifestation of burnout

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